I am a professional composer from Austria who is keen to propell his career in media music pro­duction. I write
music for orchestra and I am specialized in creating memor­able, emo­tional scores.
I have a deep under­standing of music theory and com­position techniques, which allows me to create music that
truly enhances both the visual and emotional im­pact of a project.
I had pre­viously been working as an auto­motive engineer for about twenty years.
During the past ten years I have briskly begun to score clas­sical music be­sides work.
Since then my passion for music pro­duction began to flourish.
More­over in terms of scoring I got my finishing touches
from Guy Michelmores film com­posing course at ThinkSpace Edu­cation.
In addition I leveled up my skills both in sound engineering by Martin Pauser as well as in mixing by
Michael Dörfler and Florian Machek.
Since beginning 2023 I work as a free­lance com­poser and arranger. My focus is on orch­estral music for films and media of all kind.